Willemien Bardawil
Based London
I love beautiful textiles, so I use clothing in my images to accentuate the movement of my female figures. I am drawn to ethereal classical figures such as those of Titian, Veronese or Tiepolo, which I try to capture within today’s modern context by using contemporary colours, expressive patterns and simplified forms.
- The Ruskin School of Art; Oxford
- The Royal Drawing School; London
Purchase artwork by Willemien Bardawil
Erfolge & Ziele
- Preisträger des Young Talent Art Award
- Unicef Kunstbotschafter
- Internationale #kallART Ausstellungen
- #kallARTyourlife
Genre & Style
- Zeitgenössische
- Abstrakt
- Leistungsstark
Inspiration & Vision
- Leben
- Liebe
- Lachen