Daniel Dwyer
Based Berlin, Germany
My work aims for the dynamic line, the well balanced silhouette, describing characters and places, fragments of stories, thoughts and ideas. Being called an artist still has an odd ring to it. Most children are making drawings on paper for some time. I just never stopped. As time went by, people started calling me an artist.
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Achievements & Goals
- Filmfestivals I've been invited to with my animationfilms, comics I've worked on that have been published.
- To become better at what I'm doing, refining my skills.
Genre & Style
- Pen and ink drawing technique
Inspiration & Vision
- Inspiration and influences derive from various sources such as movies, comics, books and other art forms. But it's not necessarily directly connected.
- Often times I've to reflect upon my work in the aftermath in order to discover what inspired me in the first place.
Sales & Trajectory
- Already sold several of his works
- Self-funded
Technique & Material
- Ink and watercolor via calligraphy-brushes, pens and quills on paper